Green Moon Project is a Spanish multidisciplinary research team that studies the possibility of growing plants on the Moon. The team was founded in 2016 by three students from Málaga, and it has since grown to include researchers from a variety of fields, including engineering, biology, and geology.

The Green Moon Project team has developed a prototype plant growth chamber that can be used to grow plants in the lunar environment. The chamber is designed to protect the plants from the harsh conditions on the Moon, including the vacuum, radiation, and extreme temperatures.

The Green Moon Project team is currently working on improving the design of their plant growth chamber and on developing methods for growing a variety of plants on the Moon. The team hopes that their research will help to make it possible for humans to live and work on the Moon in the future.

Here are some of the things that the Green Moon Project team is working on:

Developing a plant growth chamber that can withstand the harsh conditions on the Moon.

Identifying plants that are suitable for growth on the Moon.

Developing methods for growing plants on the Moon with/without the use of soil.

Studying the effects of the lunar environment on plant growth.

The Green Moon Project is a significant step towards the goal of human habitability on the Moon. The team's research is helping to make it possible for humans to grow their own food on the Moon, which would be essential for long-term stays on the lunar surface.

The Green Moon Project is also contributing to the field of astrobiology. The team's research is helping to understand how plants might grow in other environments, such as Mars. This research could help to identify potential habitats for life on other planets.

The Green Moon Project is a pioneering effort that is helping to pave the way for human exploration sustainability and habitability in Space.